
Showing posts from April, 2017


Today was bittersweet. Today I experienced a miracle. The miracle was given to one of the most deserving people I know, My mom. Let's rewind to June 2016, My mom and I were on the phone, I was irritated because I knew she had scheduled to have a knee replacement surgery but she was not giving me any information about it.  She has always been ridiculously private, I on the other hand have no filter and do not care what people know about me or think of me. In the gene pool I got most things from my mom, looks, extremely pale skin, hair, eye color but one thing I certainly did not inherit is my mother's personality.  I am more outgoing, I seek socialization and share most of my everyday life openly.  My very self reliant mom however, she wouldn't even tell her own daughter the date of her upcoming surgery. I remember the conversation clearly and it haunts me: ME: Mom, you are being ridiculous, what if something happens to you during surgery, NO ONE can even get into your